We are upgrading and adding to service we offer. If you require something currently not profiled here please do contact us using the details above
All prices are subject to variances and Vat at the prevailing rates. Please telephone us to get the most up to date prices.
Our services are offered and provided in accordance with our standard conditions of business and the software is licensed in accordance with our Software Agreement. Both document are available upon request.
Product Name : Test Certificates One plus 4
Product Description: The functionality to upload
Test Certificates for one year with each of certificate being
available for four further years.
Product Introductory Price : There is a one off set
up fee and then an agreed amount per thousand certificate uploads.
There is also an ongoing charge for the loan of our certificate
creation and upload software, access to and space on our web
Product Name: Custom Certificate layout
Product Description: We will create a certificate
to your design
Product Price: TBA